To examine the internal structure and data of Parquet files, you can use the parquet-tools command that comes with CDH. Make sure this command is in your $PATH. (Typically, it is symlinked from /usr/bin; sometimes, depending on your installation setup, you might need to locate it under a CDH-specific bin directory.) The arguments to this command let you perform operations such as:
cat: 打印文件的全部内容信息到标准输出
head: 打印文件的头几行内容信息到标准输出
schema: 打印Parquet的schema
meta: 打印 file footer metadata, 包含 key-value properties (like Avro schema), compression ratios, encodings, compression used, and row group information.
dump: 打印所有数据和metadata.
如果没有将jar配置到环境变量,可以使用java -jar parquet-tools-1.8.2.jar -h
Use parquet-tools -h to see usage information for all the arguments. Here are some examples showing parquet-tools usage
cat 命令 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 $ $ parquet-tools cat sample.parq year = 1992 month = 1 day = 2 dayofweek = 4 dep_time = 748 crs_dep_time = 750 arr_time = 851 crs_arr_time = 846 carrier = US flight_num = 53 actual_elapsed_time = 63 crs_elapsed_time = 56 arrdelay = 5 depdelay = -2 origin = CMH dest = IND distance = 182 cancelled = 0 diverted = 0 year = 1992 month = 1 day = 3 ...
head 命令 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 $ parquet-tools head -n 2 sample.parq year = 1992 month = 1 day = 2 dayofweek = 4 dep_time = 748 crs_dep_time = 750 arr_time = 851 crs_arr_time = 846 carrier = US flight_num = 53 actual_elapsed_time = 63 crs_elapsed_time = 56 arrdelay = 5 depdelay = -2 origin = CMH dest = IND distance = 182 cancelled = 0 diverted = 0 year = 1992 month = 1 day = 3 ...
schema命令 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 $ parquet-tools schema sample.parq message schema { optional int32 year; optional int32 month; optional int32 day; optional int32 dayofweek; optional int32 dep_time; optional int32 crs_dep_time; optional int32 arr_time; optional int32 crs_arr_time; optional binary carrier; optional int32 flight_num; ...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 $ parquet-tools meta sample.parq creator: impala version 2.2.0-cdh5.4.3 (build 517bb0f71cd604a00369254ac6d88394df83e0f6) file schema: schema ------------------------------------------------------------------- year: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 month: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 day: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 dayofweek: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 dep_time: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 crs_dep_time: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 arr_time: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 crs_arr_time: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 carrier: OPTIONAL BINARY R:0 D:1 flight_num: OPTIONAL INT32 R:0 D:1 ... row group 1: RC:20636601 TS:265103674 ------------------------------------------------------------------- year: INT32 SNAPPY DO:4 FPO:35 SZ:10103/49723/4.92 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN month: INT32 SNAPPY DO:10147 FPO:10210 SZ:11380/35732/3.14 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN day: INT32 SNAPPY DO:21572 FPO:21714 SZ:3071658/9868452/3.21 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN dayofweek: INT32 SNAPPY DO:3093276 FPO:3093319 SZ:2274375/5941876/2.61 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN dep_time: INT32 SNAPPY DO:5367705 FPO:5373967 SZ:28281281/28573175/1.01 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN crs_dep_time: INT32 SNAPPY DO:33649039 FPO:33654262 SZ:10220839/11574964/1.13 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN arr_time: INT32 SNAPPY DO:43869935 FPO:43876489 SZ:28562410/28797767/1.01 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN crs_arr_time: INT32 SNAPPY DO:72432398 FPO:72438151 SZ:10908972/12164626/1.12 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN carrier: BINARY SNAPPY DO:83341427 FPO:83341558 SZ:114916/128611/1.12 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN flight_num: INT32 SNAPPY DO:83456393 FPO:83488603 SZ:10216514/11474301/1.12 VC:20636601 ENC:PLAIN_DICTIONARY,RLE,PLAIN ...
Row Group Totals
Row Count
Total Byte Size
Row Group Column Details
Dictionary Page Offset
First Data Page Offset
Size in bytes. x = Compressed total, y = uncompressed total, z = y:x ratio
Value Count
Run-Length Encoding